Optimum Mental Performance Training
Preparing you for consistent peak performances.
My consultation practice is driven by a holistic approach. This means that I will seek to understand each athlete/performer as a complete person who brings a trove of life experiences and strengths to the consultation process. These experiences are derived from our professional, personal, social, academic, and other aspects of our lives. And, these experiences shape our many strengths. I seek to exploit these pre-existing strengths in designing mental strength training plans.
Many of us are too externally oriented, meaning that our motivations and perceptions of ourselves are based upon external sources. Unfortunately, this external orientation is not conducive to consistent peak performances. Therefore, I help you develop an internal orientation, one that generates its power from within. When we are driven by internal factors, we are more attuned to what is within our control instead of focusing on elements that are not within our control. This is why I developed my core concept: T.A.P.E., or: Trust, Attitude, Preparation, and Effort. These four elements are within our control when we are performing under pressure. By focusing on these four controllable elements, any performer is more likely to experience consistent levels of peak performance. By channeling energy towards these four elements, we can operate as efficiently as possible. This efficiency is the ultimate goal of any performer, regardless of age, ability, and competitive level.
What does the typical consultation process look like?
The process shared below looks very similar for small groups and teams
initial interview and questionnaire
Colin will conduct a semi-structured interview with the prospective athlete(s) and ask them to fill out a questionnaire
customized mental strength training plan (mstp)
Using the data collected from the interview and questionnaire, Colin will construct the athlete(s’)/team’s current mental strength profile. This profile will guide the creation of the MSTP.
mental strength training sessions
Sessions can be weekly, twice a month, monthly, or whatever frequency is most appropriate for the athlete(s)/team
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